Creating an Observatory on multilateralism

The visibility of researchers working on the GDR theme is imperative in order to generate a greater flow of information both within and outside the academic community. This platform will aim to be the entry point for all those (academics or practitioners, students or teachers, researchers) interested in the contemporary challenges of multilateralism. The Observatory aims to become a digital resource centre for researchers and practitioners. From this point of view, it is structurally essential to set up a platform that does more than simply identify researchers.

Charles Tenenbaum, CERAPS, UMR 8026
Emilija Pundziüte-Gallois, CERI, UMR 7050
Alix Defrain-Meunier, CERI, UMR 7050
Anaëlle Vergonjeanne, CERI, UMR 7050
Frédéric Ramel, CERI, UMR 7050
Mathilde Leloup, CERI, UMR 7050
Frédéric Charillon, Centre Michel de L’Hospital, EA 4232
Marieke Louis, Pacte, UMR 5194


Voir aussi dans «Activities»

Events Partnerships Research seminar